Перевод russian.utf-8 SMF 2.1

Автор Yarik, 16 октября 2016, 09:08:23

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Пилю потихоньку перевод ибо перевод который есть на данный момент несовершенен.Вношу недостающие строки и стараюсь перевести то что мне по силам.Ещё есть кто-то кто дополняет перевод?
В первую очередь дополняю и перевожу самые необходимые - отправка сообщений,загрузка вложений и отправка сообщений и т.д.


Прошу помощи с переводом этой строки,что-то забуксовал idiot
The above underlined file(s) have been uploaded but will not be attached to this post until it is submitted
$txt['php_upload_error_1'] = 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini. Please contact your host if you are unable to correct this issue.';
$txt['php_upload_error_3'] = 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded. This is a PHP related error. Please contact your host if this problem continues.';
$txt['php_upload_error_4'] = 'No file was uploaded. This is a PHP related error. Please contact your host if this problem continues.';
$txt['php_upload_error_6'] = 'Unable to save. Missing a temporary directory. Please contact your host if you are unable to correct this problem.';
$txt['php_upload_error_7'] = 'Failed to write file to disk. This is a PHP related error. Please contact your host if this problem continues.';
$txt['php_upload_error_8'] = 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload. This is a PHP related error. Please contact your host if this problem continues.';
$txt['error_temp_attachments_new'] = 'There are attachments which you had previously attached but not posted. These attachments are still attached to this post. This post does need to be submitted before these attachments are either saved or removed. You can do that <a href="#postAttachment">here</a>';
$txt['error_temp_attachments_found'] = 'The following attachments were found which you had previously attached to another post but not posted. It is advisable that you do not post until these are either removed or that post has been submitted.<br>Click <a href="%1$s">here</a> to remove those attachments. Or <a href="%2$s">here</a> to return to that post.%3$s';
$txt['error_temp_attachments_lost'] = 'The following attachments were found which you had previously attached to another post but not posted. It is advisable that you do not upload any more attachments until these are removed or that post has been submitted.<br>Click <a href="%1$s">here</a> to remove these attachments.%2$s';
$txt['error_temp_attachments_gone'] = 'Those attachments have now been removed and you have been returned to the page you were previously on';
$txt['error_temp_attachments_flushed'] = 'Please note that any files which had been previously attached but not posted have now been removed.';
$txt['error_topic_already_announced'] = 'Please note that this topic has already been announced.';

$txt['cant_access_upload_path'] = 'Cannot access attachments upload path!';
$txt['file_too_big'] = 'Your file is too large. The maximum attachment size allowed is %1$d KB.';
$txt['attach_timeout'] = 'Your attachment couldn\'t be saved. This might happen because it took too long to upload or the file is bigger than the server will allow.<br><br>Please consult your server administrator for more information.';
$txt['bad_attachment'] = 'Your attachment has failed security checks and cannot be uploaded. Please consult the forum administrator.';
$txt['ran_out_of_space'] = 'The upload directory is full. Please contact an administrator about this problem.';
$txt['attachments_no_write'] = 'The attachments upload directory is not writable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.';
$txt['attachments_no_create'] = 'Unable to create a new attachment directory. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.';
$txt['attachments_limit_per_post'] = 'You may not upload more than %1$d attachments per post';


Посмею спросить, а что за перевод и к какой "книжке" он вообще?
Это мод, или дополнение, или к форуму исправления?
Верстка тем по шаблону, их доработка/переработка, переделка тем с версии smf 1.1 на smf 2.0. Примеры работ - insidestyle.ru
Установка модов (заточка под ваш форум); Моды под заказ; Обновление форума; Правильный перенос; Удаление/лечение вирусов; Устранения ошибок.
Обращаться в ЛС
Мой форум
Модуль анти-спама CleanTalk, сам пользуюсь
Сервера которыми сам пользуюсь - cadedic.ru


Цитата: GeorG от 16 октября 2016, 15:15:57Посмею спросить, а что за перевод и к какой "книжке" он вообще?
Это мод, или дополнение, или к форуму исправления?
Это именно к самому форуму 2.1 пилю потихоньку самое основное чего не хватет.Мои юзеры бывает путаются,особенно при загружке файлов где было практически всё англоязычное.Загрузку уже добил,сейчас локализацию рассылки просматриваю.


С офсайта скачивается перевод 2.1 Beta 2, так что вы пилите устаревший вариант.
2.1 Beta 3 переведена на 90%